Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Let Us Make Them According to Our Likeness

Almost everyone knows about the saying that "Adam was created in the image of the Almighty". And since everybody descended from Adam, every man and woman is beautiful. Yet Some people say that beauty is only skin deep, but the Almighty doesn't have skin. Then what pattern and likeness of Himself did the Almighty took for a model to make people as beautiful as us? With eyes, ears, nose, lips, body, limbs and everything?

Can the blue Sapphire Stone Tablets, where the Ten Commandments were written, tell us anything about the Almighty's likeness from which we have been patterned?

The Ten Commandments as written by the finger of the Almighty begins with "Anoki Yahweh" which is translated as "I Am Yahweh". This is seemingly a very plain and simple statement but, mind you, it is not as plain and simple as we think it is!

"Anoki Yahweh" is expressed in Paleo-Hebrew hieroglyphic symbols with the second word "Yahweh" having 4 symbols represented as "Yod", "He", "Waw", "He". Some would write it down as YHWH. It is the name of the Almighty and very few noticed that the name as written in the blue Sapphire Stone Tablets does gives us an idea of the image of the Almighty from where we have been patterned. How could a single word portray His image?

Paleo-Hebrew hieroglyphics is a system of picture writing taught by the Most High to the children of Israel via the Ten Commandments in two tablets of stone. It is the personal handwriting of the Most High. In Paleo-Hebrew symbolisms, the first two letters "Yod-He" means Giver of Life/Light. The Almighty here describes himself as "Anoki Yah..." which means "I am the Giver of Life, I am the Giver of Light". The last two letters "Waw-He" means justice and mercy (Waw) unto life (He). "Anoki Yahweh" in symbolism would therefore mean "I Am the Just and Merciful Giver of Life". The Almighty here by His name describes the picture of His nature. (To read more on the name of Yahweh, click on link: http://sapphire-stone-tablets.blogspot.com/2008/11/sapphire-stone-tablets-what-name-should.html)

And how would those representations on the name of Yahweh relate to us? Man and woman were created in the image of Yahweh's nature, beauty that is deeper than the skin. Both man and woman were made as givers of life as He has instructed them "Replicate and multiply". And this is not a plain command to make babies, but an instruction to continue the creation and active formation of the likeness of the Almighty through procreation. They are not just to have children, but to raise just and merciful children.

Men and women are not just faces, skins and bodies; they were created in the image of the goodness of their Maker. Both of them, and their offsprings, those that they replicate, are to bear the nature of the Almighty - just and merciful givers and supporters of life. As the Almighty is, so shall we be, and those that come after us. As it was said: "Let us make them according to our likeness."

And You Shall Call His Name "Yahshua"...

Has anyone not heard of a Jewish Savior born of a virgin mother in the town of Bethlehem? Probably none. But, surely, not everyone knows him by his Hebrew name.

Before the conversion of Paul into the Messianic faith, he was a Roman soldier actively in pursuit of the people, men and women, who were followers of the Messiah. He went as far as the city of Damascus in Syria but before he got into any of the synagogues there, a heavenly light brighter than the sun engulfed and blinded him that he fell to the ground. As Paul recounts in Acts 26:14-15, "And when we all had fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language, 'Shaul, Shaul, lamah tardepheni qashe leka libeot badarbonot' (Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads). So I said, "Who are you, master?" And he said, "Anoki Yahshua asher athah rodeph" (I am Yahshua whom you are persecuting).

Remember that Yoseph (Joseph), the Messiah's foster father, was instructed by an angel through a dream to call and name Miriam's (Mary) child, who was yet to be born, as Yahshua, for the role of saving his people from their sins. Why a Hebrew name? Why not Latin, Greek, or English?

What could the hieroglyphics of the blue Sapphire Stone Tablets say about "Yahshua", the name of the Hebrew Messiah? The name Yahshua is written with 5 hieroglyphic symbols from the Sapphire Stone Tablets and those are "Yod", "He", "Shin", "Waw" and "Ayin".

Notice that the name of the Hebrew Messiah has a "Yod" and a "He" which symbols can also be found in the name of the Most High. This is not surprising, the name Yahshua is linked to the name of the Heavenly Father Yahweh (click to link to the article: What Name Should I Tell Them?). Yahshua's calling is related to the intentions of Yahweh, the Giver of Life (the meaning of "Yod-He"). And what could be the intention of the Giver of Life?

The last 3 hieroglyphic symbols "Shin", "Waw" and "Ayin" depicts more. "Shin" is symbol of fire, that which consumes, digest, breaks down and assimilates. It is a symbol of wisdom. "Waw" is symbolized by a weighing scale, a beam connecting two items of value - a price for a purchase. It symbolizes mercy and justice - mercy justifies. It symbolizes sacrifice and atonement, it relates this 2 items of value. "Ayin" is symbolized by an eye, the receptor of light, the window for the heart and mind.

"Shin", "Waw", and "Ayin" combined, prounounced "shua" means salvation. We are saved when our heart and mind perceived the light, for confusion is in darkness. We are saved when we understand because our path is made straight. We are saved when we receive mercy for our transgressions are forgiven.

The angel was right, "You shall call his name Yahshua, for he shall save his people from their sins." He is the salvation of Yahweh, and there is no other name given under heaven by which all men might be saved.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Sapphire Stone Tablets: What Name Should I Tell Them?

During Moses (peace be upon him) first encounter with the Almighty at Mount Sinai, just before he went back to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel from bondage as he was instructed, he felt the trouble of introducing his newly known Mighty One to the elders back there. The elders have already known a lot of idol names in Egypt. Who could He be among them? Apparently, His name was not among the names of the idols of Egypt, but His name could not escape from the remembrance of the people who hoped for His act of deliverance.

Moses was told to say to the Israelites: "YaHWeH, the Mighty One of your fathers - the Mighty One of Abraham, the Mighty One of Isaac, and the Mighty One of Jacob - has sent me to you". And He further said, "This is My Name forever, the name by which I Am to be remembered from generation to generation", Exodus 3:15.

Ever wondered why the Almighty wanted Himself to be known and be called by that name "YaHWeH"?

The hieroglyphics in the blue Sapphire Stone Tablets may provide us the understanding. The Ten commandments begins with the self introduction of the giver of the commandments: "I Am YaHWeH your Mighty One, Who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery", Exodus 20:2.

His Name in the Sapphire Stone Tablets was expressed in a 4 symbol hieroglyphics written by the Almighty's own finger: "Yod", "He", "Waw", "He". What do these symbols mean to us? What does the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, trying to relate to us with these symbols?

"Yod" is a hieroglyphic symbol for a hand. The hand is used to represent giving and receiving.

"He" is a symbol for a newly sprouting plant which represents light or life moving towards the light.

"Waw" is a symbol representing a weighing scale, just like the one held by the blind lady justice. This is used to connect and it represents justice and mercy.

"Yod" and "He" is pronounced YaH, these when combined means Giver of light, also Giver of life. When we say HalleluYaH, we mean "Praise ye Giver of Life".

"Waw" connects the two "He" in " He Waw He" (HWH), this means from life to life, justice and mercy from life to life, or justice and mercy from eternity to eternity.

"Yod", "He", "Waw", "He", pronounced YaHWeH, collectively, the symbols means the "Eternal, Just and Merciful Giver of Life".

The blue Sapphire Stone Tablets surely tell us of a very meaningful name, and it also depicts the character of the Owner of that name. We see here the Creator lending His wisdom through the letters of the Sapphire Stone Tablets, that we may see and understand His nature.

The Sapphire Stone Tablets: What Does Aleph Means?

The English alphabet is a phonetic system of writing which begins with the sound and letter "A". What does "A" means. The letter represents the "a" sound with its sound variants, but other than representing "a" sound, the letter has no meaning. The word "alphabet" is etymologically Greek in origin which means "alpha" and "beta", the first two letter symbols of the Greek writings, but what does the Greek "alpha" means? Nothing! But the Greek writing symbols were derived from the Hebraic system of writing which the Hebrew calls "aleph bet", and what does "aleph" means? Something!

In one of the discourses of Yahshua the Messiah, commonly known to a lot of people as Jesus, he asked the elders: "What does 'aleph' means?" This is a very profound question for us now, although the elders, in their own Hebraic culture can provide an equally profound answer.

Aleph itself is profound and the answer to the question of "What does 'aleph' means?" will lead us into the profoundness of the rest of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet which consists of 22 hieroglyphic symbols. All these were taught by the Almighty Himself to the children of Israel via two tablets of stone. Aleph leads us to the wisdom of the Creator.

The first man was called by the name Adam (peace be upon him). The Almighty must have thought that name was very appropriate for him. In Hebrew writings, Adam's name consists of three letter symbols: Aleph, Daleth and Mem. By Hebrew hieroglyphics, Aleph means first or beginning, as in the "Aleph and the Tau" (the beginning and the perfection). Daleth is a hieroglyphic symbol for a door or opening. And Mem is a symbol for water which is sometimes used to represent a multitude of people. The letters in the name of Adam would collectively mean as the first door of the multitude. True to its meaning, Adam was the first person of what was commonly called man, the first woman was pulled out from him, and the children of men began with the fragmentation of Adam's soul into seeds through the woman. Indeed, it was profoundly appropriate that the Creator should call him ADAM, and the Almighty's wisdom was first revealed in "Aleph".

For a more understanding of the Hebrew hieroglyphics, please follow this link: The AlphahBayit the ancient Hebrew alphabet by Shmual Ben Aharon.

The First Two Pages of the Hebrew Bible

I am one of those who had been reading the Sacred Scriptures of the Hebrew people, and the wisdom of the Bible never failed to amaze me, a kind of wisdom that I have not yet found in any other "sacred writings". The Hebrew Bible does not only give me inspirations and insights, but it also gives me a peek into the wisdom of the Almighty who personally wrote and contributed the first two pages of the Hebrew Bible.

Wait a minute! Didn't the Hebrew scribes wrote all that was written in the original scroll of Genesis? Yes of course, but the whole book of Genesis which begins with the word "Bereshit" (in the beginning) was based on the letters of an earlier two pages which started with the word "Anoki" (I Am), and these two pages could not be found in Genesis but somewhere else.

Remember, when the children of Israel left Egypt, they brought with them their tales and their stories that were handed to them from their previous generation to their time by word of mouth. They also brought with them the understanding of the Egyptian hieroglyphics which they cared not to use in transcribing their tales and stories for their coming generations. Then how did they come up with Genesis in writing?

Only a few months after the Hebrews left Egypt, Moses (peace be upon him), the Hebrew leader went up to meet with the Almighty at Mount Sinai where he was given the two tablets of the testimonies, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of the Almighty. In them were the Asereth HaDebarim (Ten Commandments) in a new hieroglyphics which the Hebrew had to learn, which they were to use in transcribing the additional instructions they were about to receive, and the tales and stories which had been handed down to them. In these two tablets were the very letters they used in writing the accounts of Genesis and all others up to Deuteronomy.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Ten Commandments

'Yahweh spoke, and these were His words"
  1. I am Yahweh your Mighty One who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you were slaves. Worship no other mighty one but Me
  2. Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to any graven image or worship it, because I am Yahweh your Mighty One and I tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation. But I show my love to thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my laws.
  3. Do not use my Name for evil purposes, because I, Yahweh your Mighty One, will punish anyone who misuse My Name.
  4. Observe the Sabbath and keep it sanctified. You have six days to which to do your work, but on the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to Me. On that day no one is to work - neither you, your children, your servants, your animals, nor the foreigners who live in your country. In six days I, Yahweh, made the earth, the sky, the sea, and everything in them, but on the seventh day I rested. That is why I, Yahweh, blessed the Sabbath and sanctified it.
  5. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live a long time in the land that I am giving you.
  6. Do not commit murder.
  7. Do not commit adultery.
  8. Do not steal.
  9. Do not accuse anyone falsely.
  10. Do not desire another man's house; do not desire his wife, his servants, his cattle, his donkeys, or anything else that he owns.'

The Sapphire Stone Tablets in Paleo Hebrew

The Ten Commandments or the "Ten Words" (Hebrew" Asereth HaDebarim) were originally uttered by the divine voice from Mount Sinai in the hearing of all Israel. Later, they were written by the finger of the Almighty on a pair of tablets of stone. Moses shattered the first pair of tablets symbolizing Israel's breaking of the covenant by their sin with the golden calf. A second pair was produced and deposited in the Ark which the people of Israel carried across the wilderness until they reached the land that was promised to them.

Click on image to enlarge

Click here to view the Square Aramaic version of image.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Sapphire Stone Tablets in Square Aramaic

The Ten Commandments on Sapphire Stone Tablets.

The Stone Tablets in the Bible were two pieces of stones wherein the Ten Commandments were inscribed by the finger of the Almighty and given to Moses (peace be upon him) when he ascended at Mount Sinai. The writings in these stone tablets gave insight into the nature of the Almighty, and Moses was instructed to have the words in these stone tablets taught to the children of Israel very diligently.

According to Jewish traditions, the Stone Tablets were taken from the very throne of the Almighty which appeared like a paved work of Sapphire Stones (Exodus 24:10), like the very heavens in its clarity.

The tablets are popularly portrayed as rectangular with rounded edge on the upper portion, but rabbinic traditions describe them as rectangular with sharp edges, and that the texts were not just engraved on the stones but bored through it. However, none of the sides of each tablets show a mirror image of the texts. The writings on both sides of the tablets appeared normally.

Click on image to enlarge.

Click here for the Paleo Hebrew version of the image