The Stone Tablets in the Bible were two pieces of stones wherein the Ten Commandments were inscribed by the finger of the Almighty and given to Moses (peace be upon him) when he ascended at Mount Sinai. The writings in these stone tablets gave insight into the nature of the Almighty, and Moses was instructed to have the words in these stone tablets taught to the children of Israel very diligently.
According to Jewish traditions, the Stone Tablets were taken from the very throne of the Almighty which appeared like a paved work of Sapphire Stones (Exodus 24:10), like the very heavens in its clarity.
The tablets are popularly portrayed as rectangular with rounded edge on the upper portion, but rabbinic traditions describe them as rectangular with sharp edges, and that the texts were not just engraved on the stones but bored through it. However, none of the sides of each tablets show a mirror image of the texts. The writings on both sides of the tablets appeared normally.
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The tablets are popularly portrayed as rectangular with rounded edge on the upper portion, but rabbinic traditions describe them as rectangular with sharp edges, and that the texts were not just engraved on the stones but bored through it. However, none of the sides of each tablets show a mirror image of the texts. The writings on both sides of the tablets appeared normally.
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