Can the blue Sapphire Stone Tablets, where the Ten Commandments were written, tell us anything about the Almighty's likeness from which we have been patterned?
The Ten Commandments as written by the finger of the Almighty begins with "Anoki Yahweh" which is translated as "I Am Yahweh". This is seemingly a very plain and simple statement but, mind you, it is not as plain and simple as we think it is!
"Anoki Yahweh" is expressed in Paleo-Hebrew hieroglyphic symbols with the second word "Yahweh" having 4 symbols represented as "Yod", "He", "Waw", "He". Some would write it down as YHWH. It is the name of the Almighty and very few noticed that the name as written in the blue Sapphire Stone Tablets does gives us an idea of the image of the Almighty from where we have been patterned. How could a single word portray His image?
Paleo-Hebrew hieroglyphics is a system of picture writing taught by the Most High to the children of Israel via the Ten Commandments in two tablets of stone. It is the personal handwriting of the Most High. In Paleo-Hebrew symbolisms, the first two letters "Yod-He" means Giver of Life/Light. The Almighty here describes himself as "Anoki Yah..." which means "I am the Giver of Life, I am the Giver of Light". The last two letters "Waw-He" means justice and mercy (Waw) unto life (He). "Anoki Yahweh" in symbolism would therefore mean "I Am the Just and Merciful Giver of Life". The Almighty here by His name describes the picture of His nature. (To read more on the name of Yahweh, click on link: http://sapphire-stone-tablets.blogspot.com/2008/11/sapphire-stone-tablets-what-name-should.html)
And how would those representations on the name of Yahweh relate to us? Man and woman were created in the image of Yahweh's nature, beauty that is deeper than the skin. Both man and woman were made as givers of life as He has instructed them "Replicate and multiply". And this is not a plain command to make babies, but an instruction to continue the creation and active formation of the likeness of the Almighty through procreation. They are not just to have children, but to raise just and merciful children.
Men and women are not just faces, skins and bodies; they were created in the image of the goodness of their Maker. Both of them, and their offsprings, those that they replicate, are to bear the nature of the Almighty - just and merciful givers and supporters of life. As the Almighty is, so shall we be, and those that come after us. As it was said: "Let us make them according to our likeness."